trilite cycle start and finish line 1024x685 - CN Cycle for CHEO
CN Cycle for Cheo2 768x576 1 300x225 - CN Cycle for CHEO CN Cycle for Cheo 768x512 1 300x200 - CN Cycle for CHEO








These unique entry gates designed by Event Design, showcases Trilite by [OPTI] in some powder coat finishes.  Used at the annual CN Cycle for CHEO, a local children’s hospital fundraiser, Event Design and Trilite by [OPTI] have partnered together to create these large standing units for thousands of eager cyclists to pass under on their race to raise awareness and money for the pediatric cancer ward.  In doing so, CN Cycle for CHEO has raised over $990,000 in 2017, breaking their previous record of $950,000 in 2016.